Monday, 15 December 2008


Breakfast is often skipped by teenagers despite being the most important meal. Every single day for as long as I can remember I have eaten cereal for breakfast, except on some weekends when I have pancakes or just forget. Cereal is like my coffee. People know not to mess with me until I have had my cereal. The greatest cereal ever is Whole Grain Chocolatey-filled Cereal Bites from Trader Joe's. I eat them plain and with milk. The chocolate explosion in the middle makes it so special. I also enjoy lucky charms but I only get them when I am sick. Last time I got them my mom ended up eating them all because I wasn't hungry ever. Now I really want some Lucky Charms. But really cereal is the greatest food. There are many other uses for it besides eating too! When someone comes to your door try pouring a box of fruit loops on them. Or make a cheerio necklace! I can say from personal experiance that they are useful, stylish, and easy to make! Cereal is also easy to cast spells on. When I need to practice any spell I just pull out a box of cereal so I make sure I get it right before using it on humans. Safety first. Cereal on TV: In Gilmore Girls, Lorelai eats rice crispies and adds marshmallows. It is one of the most delcious cereal recipies.


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