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Since the dawn of time birthdays* have come once a year. Why are we only allowed to celebrate once a year? Sure there are other holidays throughout the entire year but none of them are all about you. On your birthday you can boss everyone around eat cake. Could it get any better? If life was a coloring book all the pages would be colored cadet blue with a dying marker scribbled outside the lines but one page would be colored with every single crayola crayon in the 150 pack (except cadet blue, could there be a duller color?)! Why can't more pages be colored properly? Last week I decided to have a birthday. I though January 28th would be a splendid day to have a birthday. I changed my birthday on facebook so that everyone would know that it was my birthday. Then the day came. I got notification after notification wishing me a happy birthday. Several people caught on that it was not my real birthday but I was surprised at the amount of people who did not catch on. Even some I considered my good friends had no idea. But it really doesn't matter to me because these clueless people helped make January 28th the best fake birthday yet! I hope that my coloring book of life will be filled with more colorful pages as the year goes on!-A* I always think about birthdays. Who decided to call them birthdays? Because really we have one birthday and that is the day we emerged from the womb, or egg if you are not a mammal (there are other things you could be born from but we don't need to go into that here). That is the day of your birthday or in other words, your birthday. The one and only day you will ever be born. I mean born in the literal sense because some say they were born again when they found Jesus but that does not apply here. What we call the birthday is what I like to think of as an anniversary of the day you graced this earth with your presence. I still use the common term though because it is just to complicated to explain saying "happy anniversary of your birth" to everyone all the time. Also when I think about birthdays I picture Mulan walking down a sidewalk going to school because Mulan is Chinese and I heard that they consider you 1 when you are first born. I always thought that was neat but a little tricky. Why Mulan is going to school is a different story that even I don't know.
As we all know, all kinds of stuff is awesome. The only thing that can make stuff more awesome is when it's FREE. I mean how great is it to get something, and not have to give ANYTHING in return? Delicious treats, music, soap, anything free is FANTASTIC. The other day I was at the mall and I saw what appeared to be on of those kiosk workers approaching with a tray. Well as a general rule I try to avoid making eye contact with these people cause usually they just start putting lotion on your hands and taking your soul....its all very unpleasant. However these weren't kiosk workers at all, they were people from LUSH and they were handing out free samples of soap! Now Lush being one of my favourite stores (see first post), and Karma Soap being one of the best products there, I was beside myself. Then, I visited the actual store and there were free Lush cookies and chocolates too! It just made me feel all giddy like a school girl--free stuff does that to me.I love the days when restaurants have free food days too, like Free Slurpie day at 7-11, Free Coffee day at Dunkin Donuts, Free Chik-fil-a day, Free Rita's Italian ice on the first day of spring, and other things like that. I know they usually create these days with the intention that you'll think Well hey, I'm here and I've saved my money by getting this product free, I should purchase another item from this fine friendly establishment. But they couldn't be more wrong! Once I get my free stuff I book it (that is assuming I don't hang around and try to get more...after all it's FREE). It's also great when I go to concerts and get free sampler CDs, and when they have free downloads on LastFM. BASICALLY what I'm trying to say is free stuff is terrific and it always makes my day. If you don't take every opportuinity you can to get free stuff then you're missing out on the fulfilling feeling that you just got something without any effort at all! And my friends, that is a great feeling.
In these bleak winter months everyone needs something to keep them warm. My cravings for matzah ball soup had nothing to do with keeping warm. Everything began as any normal horrific Tuesday usually begins, with the sound of my alarm. Tuesday is the worst day because it just is and there isn't any good television. I went to school as I do every single week day but this time it was different. I began craving soup like a pregnant woman craves bacon and beets wrapped in a spicy taco shell. It wasn't just any soup. I wanted my mother's matzah ball soup. In case you are not sure what matzah is I will tell you. It is pretty much just a sheet of edible cardboard (not that cardboard isn't already edible seeing as it is made out of corn but that is a story for a different day) that Jews eat on passover instead of cereal and all kinds of bready goodness. It may sound like I don't enjoy matzah but you try eating it for seven days. There are several good things you can do with it. One of these is pancakes but the other is soup. The entire day I could only think about was soup. All day. Nothing but soup. When my mom picked me up I told her about my cravings and she said she would make some that night. That didn't stop the cravings until that soup was finally in my hands. It was the greatest moment of that week. In a close second was the next evening when we sauted the leftover matzah balls in butter and ate them. Typing this is making me crave more soup.-A
Yesterday I was feeling a little bit Vitamin A, Vitamin B 12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Phosphorus, Zinc, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine and Copper defficient, and I also had a hankerin for some delicious garishly-flavoured candy, but I only had time to eat ONE THING. Well, I didn't have to think long or hard about what it would be. Why, it was the Flinstones Vitamin of course! In many (3) different fun shapes and flavours, Flinstones vitamins are the most entertaining way to get your daily dose of Riboflavin since I found out that espresso has 35 mg of it. But forget that! Flinstones Vitamins are so fun they should be illegal! And apparently they've gotten even more fun and varied since I was a kid- they now have gummy and sour gummy options! I still prefer the classics, but I appreciate their effort to reach out to those who do not appreciate the chalky goodness of the original. Some people say the Flinstones Vitamins taste disgusting, like cough syrup. They just don't know what fine dining is, and they should probably get a book about the delicacies that can be found in the vitamin aisle. If you've never had Flinstones Vitamins, first, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Second, GO OUT AND BUY SOME. You will not be disappointed. And if you are disappointed, fine. You can just get your Vitamin B 1, 2, 6, 12 elsewhere and leave the Flinstones Vitamins to the people who know what's really delicious and nutritious.
I personally have never shot a gun or even owned one but recently I watched Superbad and Officer Michaels cleared up any questions I might have had about it when he told the young Fogell that "It's like having two cocks. If one of your cocks could kill someone.
" Not that that explanation gives me a very clear picture because I am a female I get the just. Officer Michaels was my favorite character in that movie played by none other than Seth Rogen. I have been a Seth Rogen fan for several years ever since my father brought home the short lived but wonderful series Freaks and Geeks. He played my favorite character Ken Miller and sported mutton chops. Although I have not seen all of his work everything I have seen provides incredible joy. I was surprised to see him make an appearance in Anchorman. In case you missed him he was the cameraman at the cat fashion show. It was also wonderful to hear him lending his voice to Mantis in Kung Fu Panda, another quality movie. His starring role in Knocked Up is another of my favorites. There are so many great Seth Rogen works that I could go on for much longer but there is simply not enough time. I am just thankful that Judd Apatow kept working with many actors from Freaks and Geeks and made them, mainly Mr. Rogen, the celebrities they are today.
In the recent years of Saturday Night Live, I have not been quite as interested in the sketches. Let's just say they were getting a bit trite and had all been done before. That is until one day I discover the new prodigy of SNL-Andy Samberg. The first time I saw him manifest his true genious was on December 17, 2005, when he teamed up with partner Chris Parnell in Lazy Sunday, a rap about the pairs escapades on a Sunday afternoon to see the Chroni-(what?)-cles of Narnia. That was enough to restore a bit of faith in SNL. And, it was fortified indeed when Samberg again created an Emmy-winning R&B classic with Justin Timberlake, Dick In A Box. It was just in time for the holidays, and it was discussed many times over at the family Christmas party, even by my aunts in their mid-60s and my straight-laced cousin. Then in 2007 my true love for him and his work was in full bloom when I saw Hot Rod in 2007. He is absolutely brilliant in tht movie and it is one of my favourites! I recommend it to all lovers of silly and yet sometimes subtle fun.Pictured above is a picture of Andy Samberg doing a great impression of the comic strip character Cathy! If for any reason you've lost hope in SNL, or you've never even watched (?!?) I suggest starting up again for the pure sake of watching Andy Samberg in all of his comic glory!-K