In these bleak winter months everyone needs something to keep them warm. My cravings for matzah ball soup had nothing to do with keeping warm. Everything began as any normal horrific Tuesday usually begins, with the sound of my alarm. Tuesday is the worst day because it just is and there isn't any good television. I went to school as I do every single week day but this time it was different. I began craving soup like a pregnant woman craves bacon and beets wrapped in a spicy taco shell. It wasn't just any soup. I wanted my mother's matzah ball soup. In case you are not sure what matzah is I will tell you. It is pretty much just a sheet of edible cardboard (not that cardboard isn't already edible seeing as it is made out of corn but that is a story for a different day) that Jews eat on passover instead of cereal and all kinds of bready goodness. It may sound like I don't enjoy matzah but you try eating it for seven days. There are several good things you can do with it. One of these is pancakes but the other is soup. The entire day I could only think about was soup. All day. Nothing but soup. When my mom picked me up I told her about my cravings and she said she would make some that night. That didn't stop the cravings until that soup was finally in my hands. It was the greatest moment of that week. In a close second was the next evening when we sauted the leftover matzah balls in butter and ate them. Typing this is making me crave more soup.
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