Since the dawn of time birthdays* have come once a year. Why are we only allowed to celebrate once a year? Sure there are other holidays throughout the entire year but none of them are all about you. On your birthday you can boss everyone around eat cake. Could it get any better? If life was a coloring book all the pages would be colored cadet blue with a dying marker scribbled outside the lines but one page would be colored with every single crayola crayon in the 150 pack (except cadet blue, could there be a duller color?)! Why can't more pages be colored properly? Last week I decided to have a birthday. I though January 28th would be a splendid day to have a birthday. I changed my birthday on facebook so that everyone would know that it was my birthday. Then the day came. I got notification after notification wishing me a happy birthday. Several people caught on that it was not my real birthday but I was surprised at the amount of people who did not catch on. Even some I considered my good friends had no idea. But it really doesn't matter to me because these clueless people helped make January 28th the best fake birthday yet! I hope that my coloring book of life will be filled with more colorful pages as the year goes on!
* I always think about birthdays. Who decided to call them birthdays? Because really we have one birthday and that is the day we emerged from the womb, or egg if you are not a mammal (there are other things you could be born from but we don't need to go into that here). That is the day of your birthday or in other words, your birthday. The one and only day you will ever be born. I mean born in the literal sense because some say they were born again when they found Jesus but that does not apply here. What we call the birthday is what I like to think of as an anniversary of the day you graced this earth with your presence. I still use the common term though because it is just to complicated to explain saying "happy anniversary of your birth" to everyone all the time. Also when I think about birthdays I picture Mulan walking down a sidewalk going to school
because Mulan is Chinese and I heard that they consider you 1 when you are first born. I always thought that was neat but a little tricky. Why Mulan is going to school is a different story that even I don't know.
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