As we all know, all kinds of stuff is awesome. The only thing that can make stuff more awesome is when it's FREE. I mean how great is it to get something, and not have to give ANYTHING in return? Delicious treats, music, soap, anything free is FANTASTIC.
The other day I was at the mall and I saw what appeared to be on of those kiosk workers approaching with a tray. Well as a general rule I try to avoid making eye contact with these people cause usually they just start putting lotion on your hands and taking your soul....its all very unpleasant. However these weren't kiosk workers at all, they were people from LUSH and they were handing out free samples of soap! Now Lush being one of my favourite stores (see first post), and Karma Soap being one of the best products there, I was beside myself. Then, I visited the actual store and there were free Lush cookies and chocolates too! It just made me feel all giddy like a school girl--free stuff does that to me.
I love the days when restaurants have free food days too, like Free Slurpie day at 7-11, Free Coffee day at Dunkin Donuts, Free Chik-fil-a day, Free Rita's Italian ice on the first day of spring, and other things like that. I know they usually create these days with the intention that you'll think Well hey, I'm here and I've saved my money by getting this product free, I should purchase another item from this fine friendly establishment. But they couldn't be more wrong! Once I get my free stuff I book it (that is assuming I don't hang around and try to get more...after all it's FREE). It's also great when I go to concerts and get free sampler CDs, and when they have free downloads on LastFM.
BASICALLY what I'm trying to say is free stuff is terrific and it always makes my day. If you don't take every opportuinity you can to get free stuff then you're missing out on the fulfilling feeling that you just got something without any effort at all! And my friends, that is a great feeling.
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